Described as “world chill,” “global electronica” and even “new age classical,” Bob Holroyd breaks musical boundaries so often it’s impossible to label the vast variety of sounds he produces. And, as Bob himself says, that’s exactly the point.
“This has become something of a crusade as far as he [Bob] is concerned, feeling that wherever possible musical boundaries should be broken down to allow all influences and cultures to work together to create, plain and simply - music, free from category or stereotype.”
Bob Holroyd has appeared on many compilations curated by NiaSounds, lending his endless creativity and unique musical identity to our sonic landscapes. In the U routine, now available digitally, Bob Holroyd opens the compilation with the bliss of sunrise in "Sacred Light." The quirky bass of "Rafiki (Sidewalk Mix)" develops the compilation toward his tribal dance track "Reconfluenced," the climax of U alongside Michael Beckwith’s "U R The Answer." His versatility shows again as "Beautiful Domination" and "27 Words" inspire reflection and envision healing within the body.
Based in London, Bob Holroyd crosses cultural boundaries with nearly every piece of music he creates, drawing from cultures including Asian and Indian musical traditions as well as artists such as Peter Gabriel. Through his music he hopes people can realize: “We are ultimately from the same place, and our similarities are so much greater than our differences.”
Bob fights to save African rhinos from extinction, donating all proceeds from his new mix of hit track “African Drug” to benefit Save The Rhino International. Donations are accepted on his JustGiving donation page:
You can purchase the U compilation, featuring five songs from Bob Holroyd, on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play.
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