Michael Bernard Beckwith: highly celebrated spiritual teacher, founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, radio personality, and musician. It’s not often you come across an artist as varied and eminent as Beckwith, whose unique perspective shines through in his music.
Beckwith has become world-renowned for his unique speaking engagements where he shares “words that I speak from deep within my heart” alongside music and flair that inspires joy and action in his audience. Working with producer Stephen Bray and engineer John Potoker, Beckwith created the album TranscenDance, an album that uses his voice from speaking events as an instrument.
In the U compilation, now available digitally, Michael Bernard Beckwith’s "U R The Answer" serves as both the title track and inspiration for the entire compilation. “Ecstatic dance” and “techno-tribal” sounds drive towards the soundscape’s climax. The empowering message behind Beckwith’s words, “the answer is you,” joins pulsing dance beats to stir you into action.
“Gratitude is the expression of humility, a recognition that even before we ask the good has been given to us.”
You can purchase the U compilation, featuring Michael Beckwith’s "U R The Answer," on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play.
Contact us for licensing opportunities or to have a custom soundtrack curated for your project.