The Music Community Steps Up

Music has a unique ability to bring those from all walks of life together to celebrate sound. However on a day like October 2, 2017, Las Vegas is void of the celebration of sound. Nevada and the greater part of the United States grieves as we live in the wake of the largest mass shooting in US history. More heartbreaking than anything is that the victims of this tragedy died attempting to listen to live music they loved. Music should brings us together, not tear us apart.

Countless celebrities, politicians, and others have rallied themselves to help in various ways. Right now, there are lines for blocks at the local blood donation centers in Las Vegas. The Go Fund Me, as of the publication of this article, has raised $1.7 million in relief funds for victims. The music-loving community is showing it’s perseverant attitude, and we could not be prouder.

Below we have gathered links for those that wish to donate time, money, or blood.

Now is the time to come together to prove that nothing can break the community music builds.